Tuesday 10 March 2015


Waikato History (Maori)

River related reading on early Maori History

Read through these taking special note of the way Maori lived before European settlement.

How did they feel when their lands were taken? Putting yourselves in their shoes, how would you have felt?

Make notes of the main ideas and facts to present back to the class at a later date. 
Who? What? When? How? Why?

Web Sites (to help your research- think Waikato based)

·     Historical Timeline of New Zealand (see http://www.nzhcottawa.org/aboutnz/histtimeline.htm)
·     Chinese Settlement in New Zealand (see http://www.stevenyoung.co.nz/chinesevoice/history.htm)
·     Waipu Migration (see http://www.waipumuseum.com/#migr)
·     A History of Coromandel Town (see http://www.thepeninsula.co.nz/coromandel/history.htm)
·     History of Whitianga (see http://www.thepeninsula.co.nz/whitianga/history.htm)
·     Waikato History (see http://www.chemistry.co.nz/waikato_history.htm)
·     History of Tokoroa (see http://www.downtown.co.nz/SouthWaikato/History.html)
·     History of Taupo Region (see http://www.sawyer.co.nz/ch61/ch61_history.html)
·     Wellington's History (see http://www.wcc.govt.nz/wellington/history.html)
·     Early Christchurch (see http://library.christchurch.org.nz/Childrens/EarlyChristchurch/)
·     Arrowtown Past and Present (see http://www.arrowtown.org.nz/about.htm)
·     Otago Goldfiels (see http://www.nzsouth.co.nz/goldfields/index.html)
·     Historic Invercargill (see http://www.invercargill.org.nz/About-Invercargill/History.asp)
·     New Zealand from the History Channel (see http://www.historychannel.com/perl/print_book.pl?ID=24576)
·     Star of India - Immigrant Ship (see http://www.sdmaritime.org/contentpage.asp?ContentID=48)
·     Settlement in New Zealand (see http://history-nz.org/maori1.html)
·     The Irish in New Zealand (see http://www.mch.govt.nz/ref/enz/irish/settle.html)
·     The New Zealand Wars: Colonial Settlement (see http://www.newzealandwars.co.nz/cau_colonialsettlement.html)

·     A Story of Puhoi (Bohemian Association) (see http://bohemian.orcon.net.nz/ohaupo.htm)

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Narrative Writing by TC2

‘‘I heard a whisper but no one was there.’’
But it`s too dark for me to know.
‘‘Where am I?’’
I felt a cold breeze.
‘‘Is a window open?’’ I asked my self.
‘‘To me,’’ Death seemed inevitable.

These bright lights had turned on instantaneously, As I thought of death. The lights were facing towards a window.
That helped me to discover that I was not alone. There standing behind the window a man, or a woman, I couldn't tell.  The human was anonymous. That person was wearing a mask or makeup. The person glanced at me. It gave me a better perspective of the anonymous character. It was a man.

He said to me.
‘‘Fraternally speaking you have to escape and you obtain a likely chance of dying.’’ I replied with a fearsome roar saying, ‘‘Let me out of here!’’ The ropes loosened, they seemed to be mechanical. ‘‘Another bunch of lights turned on facing towards three saws.’’
‘‘The three saws obtained equity in the value of blood that appeared to be in them.’’
The man spoke and said, ‘‘You have to run through those saws and escape through the window. Trust me, there is no way around."
I had no choice but to run through. But I had to ask, ‘‘Has anyone made it?’’ 
He replied with, ‘‘Six.’’

My heart was beating at 100 miles per hour. But then I saw an opening and I ran, didn't look to left or right, just straight.
I made it.
I hopped out the window and ran to my right, until I noticed someone familiar.

By Caleb Hokai Rm 11

A whisper

It was a Friday night at the end of a teeth chatteringly cold August day, me and my friends Jimmy and Dave were sitting and talking after an exhausting day of school when suddenly we heard a soft, high pitched whisper saying “I’m going to get you!” but there was no one around to have said it. We looked at each other in shock. Like ninjas we sneaked out of my room checking left and right searching for the mysterious whisper.
After 10 minutes of searching the house, returned to my room hands shaking.” This is creepy, can we get out of this haunted house” Jimmy Said in a quivering voice. Suddenly the lights flashed out and plummeted us in to darkness.
Slowly the lights flicker on but something was missing. My friends were missing like they vanished into thin air. Slowly I scan the room but they are nowhere to be found. As I look around I notice blood dripping from the walls and ceiling. I reach for my bat ready to strike whatever was in the house. Suddenly out of no were a circus clown jumps up from the side of my bed and says, “I told you I was going to get you”. He grabs me by my neck and launches me across the room. He walks across to me holding a knife. The clown was in front of me holding the knife and inching it forward to my neck. The knife touched my neck blood dripping from my throat to my shirt when bang I woke up.
I realised that there was no blood on the walls and my bat was still up against the wall were it all ways is. In the place of the bat I had my mp3 in my hand. T had fallen asleep while listening to music.
“Thank goodness that was just a dream.” I whisper under my breath.
Ding dong goes the front door and Jimmy and Dave walk in to my room. “Hey man you all right?”


I heard a whisper  

I heard a whisper, faintly coming from the furthest corner of my dark and tiny room. I slowly  and cautiously reached for my lamp which lay dormant on my bedside table, flicked it on and scanned the room but no-one was there. As I went to turn the now alive lamp of my eyes locked on something or rather someone which appeared to be a little dwarf. I quickly turned away convinced I was imagining things. 
"That was close" Thompkins whispered to the rest of the group. "You bet it was" replied tom the grumpy dwarf of the group. All the members of the group looked relatively the same with long orange beards and which reached there toes which made the beards look taller even if the dwarfs were only about a foot tall. The other members of the group were joe and Jim but only thompkins had locked eyes with the beautiful girl who called herself alex. She was just like an angel with long blond wavey hair and blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight that shone through the small gap in her curtains. They had been watching her for a few das to see if she possessed magical qualities but to no avail. 
The next day alex went to school as normal but she couldn’t take her mind off the little dwarfs face, "I know it was just a dream but it all seemed so real," she kept mumbling to herself.  All through the day she drifted in and out of a day dream until she finally came to the conclusion that she would wait up all night listening to see if the little dwarfs were really real. So that night she lied silently waiting for the voices and just as she was drifting into sleep she heard something a little whisper coming again from the far corner of her room so she slowly went after it.  
The little dwarfs panicked she was creeping closer and closer what were they supposed to do but that’s when tom had an idea he whispered to the others to hide behind the curtains but that was there mistake alex saw the movement and cut them off so they were face to face or rather face to knee. "who are you?" Alex inquired, at first they were reluctant to answer but eventually they gave in. The dwarfs explained to her that they had been seeing if she possessed magical powers but they had to remove her memory of them forever. Thompkins couldn’t look her in the eye, he had come to love her as had the others  so instead the group came up with a compromise that they wouldn’t mind wipe her but she had to promise not to tell anyone. Alex agreed to this and in the years to come the dwarfs visited her many times.  

By Olivia Simpson

Friday 17 October 2014

Term 4 Novel Study for Room 11

Student’s name: ____________________

Name of novel: _____________________


This assignment is based on a novel (fiction book) of your own choice.

However, you need to note that one aim of the assignment is that you extend yourself by reading a book that you might possibly not normally choose to read, and you will need to check that your teacher thinks the book is a suitable choice before starting to read it.

Write here the name of a book you have enjoyed reading (or having read to you) in the past:  _____________________________________________________________

What did you enjoy about that book?  _____________________________________________________________

Have a look at the following suggestions .

If you are a confident reader and you read regularly for pleasure:  Why not try reading something that may stretch you?  Ask the librarian to help you.
·                  A book by a famous New Zealand author.  Look on the spines of the books in our library for NZ logos. 
·                  A “classic” novel which is written in an old-fashioned style – like Jane Eyre, Oliver Twist, Treasure Island, Little Women, The Coral Island
·                  Why not read a book about another culture?   
·                  A longer novel – like The Hobbit or The Power of One
·                  Aim to read a whole series - you don’t have to finish the series during our novel study! 
·                  Any book by an author who has been recommended by our librarian, another adult, or by a friend. 

If you are a reasonably confident reader but you find it more difficult to sit still to read a book, why not try a book that has a really good story and will quickly engage your attention?  (Some of these are books that have films associated with them.  We have multiple copies of some of them in the English office.)
·                  Action or Survival stories – Hatchet (series), Stormbreaker (series)
·                  Stories about teenagers – Holes, Letters from the Inside …
·                  War stories – Goodnight Mr Tom, I Am David, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Tomorrow When the War Began, The Silver Sword

If you do not enjoy reading there are a number of good writers for teenagers who write stories which are quite short and fast-moving.
·                  Try one of these authors – David Hill, Fleur Beale, Morris Gleitzman,
·                  Try one of these titles – Further Back Than Zero, Slide the Corner, Hatchet, See Ya Simon, 2Much4U
·                  Ask your teacher to help you find a book to suit your interests.


Before you begin the assignment, read through this booklet.  Think about what YOU want to achieve and what you want to learn.  Fill in the following gaps:

The book I have chosen is _______________________________________.

I have chosen this book because __________________________________


One skill I hope to develop OR something I would like to learn during this unit is 



I want to develop this by


At the end of this assignment I will know I will have succeeded when



You must complete the following tasks, and hand them in, before you are allowed to start the “choices” that follow in this assignment.
1.         Character activities, based on the character sheet  in this booklet.
2.         A letter based on the novel.  Instructions are on the page after the   character activities.
3.         A collage poem about a character in the book.  See the examples in the booklet 
A research assignment is also a compulsory part of this unit of work.  We will work on this after the “choices” tasks that are included in this booklet.


For this task you must choose ONE of the following options:

1.            You are a character in the novel you have read.  As that character, write a letter to someone else in the novel, discussing some of the feelings or thoughts you had during the story.  Stay in character!  Try to write like the character would write.


2.            You are a reader of the novel who wants to write to one of the characters in the book.  Write and ask the character questions you want to know answers to; express how you feel about what he or she went through; tell the character if you think he or she was right in the decisions he or she made … etc.  (You don’t have to do all these things, but these ideas might help you to get started.)


3.            You are a reader of the novel who wants to write to the author of the book.  What would you want to ask the author if you could ask him or her anything at all about the events, themes, characters … etc?  Remember to write in a very polite style and say some positive things about the book.  Show that you know the book – the author wouldn’t appreciate a fan letter from someone who got the names of the characters muddled up, for example!


Brainstorm all your ideas first.
Then plan your letter so that you have at least three main points (three main paragraphs).
Then write your introduction. Make sure you write in an appropriate style – a style that would suit the person you are writing to.


Your address
(skip a line)
Today’s date
(skip two lines)
Dear ….
(skip one line)
First paragraph
(skip a line between each paragraph – keep doing this until the final paragraph)
(skip a line)
Yours faithfully
(skip about 4 lines to leave room for your signature)
Neatly print your name underneath your signature
Time for you to work towards your own learning goals!
You must complete a minimum of FOUR activities from this section of the assignment. 
The following activities are based on different levels of thinking, ranging from “Remembering” to “Designing”.  You must include at least one “Evaluate” and one “Design” activity.  The other two activities you choose can come from any category.  Remember to link at least some of your choices to your individual goal or goals.
1.            Draw a comic strip of the main events in your book.
2.         Make a time-line of the main events in the book.
3.         List ten interesting words from your book.  Explain the meaning of each word, and say why you find each one interesting.

4.         Describe what you think might have happened to the main character after the book ended.  Explain why you think this might have happened.

5.         Make a map of the setting of your book, labelling the most significant         places in the book.
6.         Draw the setting of your book and explain it.
8.         Write a five-line "easy" poem about your book: a noun, then two adjectives, then three verbs, then a thought about the noun, and finally a synonym for the noun.
9.         Pretend you are a psychiatrist.  Write a psychiatric report analysing the      conflicts and problems of a character.
10.       Keep a journal as you read your book: your reactions, thoughts, feelings.  How did the book change your way of thinking (if at all)?
11.       Write a paragraph explaining what you think the writer’s main message (or theme) was.  Give examples to prove that what you say is correct.
12.       Compare your book with another book you've read.  You could use a         Venn diagram, or a compare/contrast matrix as part of your answer.
13.       Explain why your book should be included in a capsule to be dug up in       one hundred years.
14.       Write a short review of the book.  Use a PMI chart to plan what you will      write.
15.       Evaluate the book using the Six Thinking Hats – there is a template            included in this booklet that you can write on.
16.       Write a different ending for your book.
17.       Make any kind of illustration for your book (book cover, drawing, chart, graph, powerpoint presentation) and explain it.
18.       Write a diary entry for your favourite character.

19.          Choose your own activity[aes11]  based on the book.  Check with your teacher that it would be suitable, before you start it!



What I have done in English during this unit  - tick the ones you COMPLETED:

  • Selected a novel to read
  • Finished reading the novel (or possibly more than one novel)
  • Completed compulsory tasks on the novel
(The work on characters, a collage poem, a formal letter)
  • Set my own learning goal (or goals)
  • Completed activities of my own choice on the novel
  • Researched a theme from the novel, following the research process
(Deciding, Finding, Using, Presenting, Evaluating)
  • Presented my research findings to the class using oral and visual language techniques

Thinking about my learning:
1. My opinion of the book I chose to read -






Examples from the book:



2. What activities in the novel assignment I enjoyed most, and why:




3. My learning goal was:


4. How successful was I in achieving this goal? [Rank from 1 - 5, with 5
being extremely successful, and 1 being completely unsuccessful.]



5. What would I do differently next time? Why?



6. What did I learn about research from the completing the mini-research
activity, and presenting my results to the class?



7. How successful am I as a researcher? [Rank from 1 - 5, with 5
being extremely successful, and 1 being completely unsuccessful.]
Text Box:





8. Throughout this term, what could the teacher have done to help
me more?





9. What else would I like the teacher to know?




10. Give yourself a grade for this term's work (Achieved, Merit or
Excellence) and explain it:

I think I deserve ________________           because ___________________
