‘‘I heard a whisper but no one was there.’’
But it`s too dark for me to know.
‘‘Where am I?’’
I felt a cold breeze.
‘‘Is a window open?’’ I asked my self.
‘‘To me,’’ Death seemed inevitable.
These bright lights had turned on instantaneously, As I
thought of death. The lights were facing towards a window.
That helped me to discover that I was not alone. There
standing behind the window a man, or a woman, I couldn't tell. The human was
anonymous. That person was wearing a mask or makeup. The person glanced
at me. It gave me a better perspective of the anonymous character. It was
a man.
He said to me.
‘‘Fraternally speaking you have to escape and you obtain a likely
chance of dying.’’ I replied with a fearsome roar saying, ‘‘Let me out of
here!’’ The ropes loosened, they seemed to be mechanical. ‘‘Another bunch of
lights turned on facing towards three saws.’’
‘‘The three saws obtained equity in the value of blood that
appeared to be in them.’’
The man spoke and said, ‘‘You have to run through those saws and
escape through the window. Trust me, there is no way around."
I had no choice but to run through. But I had to ask, ‘‘Has
anyone made it?’’
He replied with, ‘‘Six.’’
My heart was beating at 100 miles per hour. But then I saw
an opening and I ran, didn't look to left or right, just straight.
I made it.
I hopped out the window and ran to my right, until I noticed someone
familiar.By Caleb Hokai Rm 11
A whisper
It was a Friday night at the end
of a teeth chatteringly cold August day, me and my friends Jimmy and Dave were
sitting and talking after an exhausting day of school when suddenly we heard a
soft, high pitched whisper saying “I’m going to get you!” but there was no one
around to have said it. We looked at each other in shock. Like ninjas we
sneaked out of my room checking left and right searching for the mysterious
After 10 minutes of searching the
house, returned to my room hands shaking.” This is creepy, can we get out of
this haunted house” Jimmy Said in a quivering voice. Suddenly the lights flashed
out and plummeted us in to darkness.
Slowly the lights flicker on but
something was missing. My friends were missing like they vanished into thin
air. Slowly I scan the room but they are nowhere to be found. As I look around
I notice blood dripping from the walls and ceiling. I reach for my bat ready to
strike whatever was in the house. Suddenly out of no were a circus clown jumps
up from the side of my bed and says, “I told you I was going to get you”. He
grabs me by my neck and launches me across the room. He walks across to me
holding a knife. The clown was in front of me holding the knife and inching it
forward to my neck. The knife touched my neck blood dripping from my throat to
my shirt when bang I woke up.
I realised that there was no
blood on the walls and my bat was still up against the wall were it all ways
is. In the place of the bat I had my mp3 in my hand. T had fallen asleep while
listening to music.
“Thank goodness that was just a
dream.” I whisper under my breath.
Ding dong goes the front door and
Jimmy and Dave walk in to my room. “Hey man you all right?”
I heard a whisper
I heard a whisper, faintly coming from the furthest corner of my dark and tiny room. I slowly and cautiously reached for my lamp which lay dormant on my bedside table, flicked it on and scanned the room but no-one was there. As I went to turn the now alive lamp of my eyes locked on something or rather someone which appeared to be a little dwarf. I quickly turned away convinced I was imagining things.
"That was close" Thompkins whispered to the rest of the group. "You bet it was" replied tom the grumpy dwarf of the group. All the members of the group looked relatively the same with long orange beards and which reached there toes which made the beards look taller even if the dwarfs were only about a foot tall. The other members of the group were joe and Jim but only thompkins had locked eyes with the beautiful girl who called herself alex. She was just like an angel with long blond wavey hair and blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight that shone through the small gap in her curtains. They had been watching her for a few das to see if she possessed magical qualities but to no avail.
The next day alex went to school as normal but she couldn’t take her mind off the little dwarfs face, "I know it was just a dream but it all seemed so real," she kept mumbling to herself. All through the day she drifted in and out of a day dream until she finally came to the conclusion that she would wait up all night listening to see if the little dwarfs were really real. So that night she lied silently waiting for the voices and just as she was drifting into sleep she heard something a little whisper coming again from the far corner of her room so she slowly went after it.
The little dwarfs panicked she was creeping closer and closer what were they supposed to do but that’s when tom had an idea he whispered to the others to hide behind the curtains but that was there mistake alex saw the movement and cut them off so they were face to face or rather face to knee. "who are you?" Alex inquired, at first they were reluctant to answer but eventually they gave in. The dwarfs explained to her that they had been seeing if she possessed magical powers but they had to remove her memory of them forever. Thompkins couldn’t look her in the eye, he had come to love her as had the others so instead the group came up with a compromise that they wouldn’t mind wipe her but she had to promise not to tell anyone. Alex agreed to this and in the years to come the dwarfs visited her many times.
By Olivia Simpson
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